Book Your One Hour Reading

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Psychic. Medium. Energy Healer 

Guiding you to deep healing & developing your intuitive abilities



I believe in the beautiful power you have as a spiritual being. You have come to live your unique journey. That is a powerful and special thing. For me, being able to help people on their journey is a great honor and something I love being a part of. 

As a young child, it was clear that I viewed the world in a very different way than the others around me did. Through my intuitive training, I learned how to use the way I see to do readings and healings and find the answers that brought me true clarity. I was able to truly live my life in the way that I was choosing. I found I could use my skills to help others find their answers. 

Almost 13 years later I continue to do this work and enjoy seeing, validating, and helping one through the unique journey they are on.

I look forward to working with you and seeing the spirit that you are. 

May your journey be filled with an abundance of opportunities to shine your light. 




How My Readings Work:

All I need for my readings and healings is that you are sitting in a chair with your feet flat on the ground, and your eyes open the whole time. After that, I ask you to say your full name for me. This is how I tune into your energy.

I do not use cards or crystals or anything else for my readings/healings. My readings and healings can be done remotely or in person. I do not need to see you nor do I ask for a number of specific questions before your reading. I find the magical experience of working together is even more magical because I do not have any prior information about you. Spirit is amazing and will natural unfold the messages and insights that you are ready for during our time together. I’m constantly amazed at how powerful these sessions can be. This is why I am able to work with clients who are 3 miles away or 300,000 miles away without even seeing what their physical body looks like! By seeing your true deeper nature as a spirit, everything is right in front of me and there is no need to prepare questions or ask for any additional information before that.

Book Your One Hour Reading

Clairvoyant Readings

A Clairvoyant Reading allows me to tune into your unique energy and see you as the unique being you are.

 As I read you, I am able to help validate your path and give you communication on anything you may be trying to work on, so that you can take the steps you are ready for and heal.

 My readings are a powerful combination of reading and healing. Everything is energy, often when experiencing some sort of blockage of energy, it can physically manifest into an unideal situation. (Migraines, Insomnia, painful relationship encounters, etc.) I will work with you to help move those energetic blocks out of the way to help create more flow and ease in any particular area of your life.  

 A typical hour reading will consist of looking at where you are growing and what you are working on, past lives, and the layers of your aura in addition to any questions you have.

Preparing for a Reading: You can choose to come with questions, however is not necessary. A reading is a great place to help get clarity on what is going on in life.

You may also choose any of the additional topics below to add to your reading. 

  • Past Lives

  • Communication with your Spirit Guides

  • Aura Readings

  • Growth Period (Where are you growing and evolving as a spirit)

  • Next steps

  • Career

  • Clarity/Healing in Relationships

  • Astral body/Dream space

  • Connecting with a loved who has passed 

  • Pet reading/healing

  • House healing 

  • Energy around body pain/sickness Divine Male/Female Energy 

  • Ending Karma and Soul Contracts 

  • Energy around having a baby/bringing in a spirit baby. 


Clairvoyant readings are a safe space to clear energy that is keeping you from the life you want.  When you receive clairvoyant readings with me, you are saying yes to leaving behind heavy grief that’s keeping you stuck, finding your joy again, and moving towards your deep transformational healing. 

 After these readings you will feel:

  • Filled with clarity on your next steps in life

  • Seen for who you authentically are

  • Lighter, a sense of ease, a deeper connection to your self-love, relief from stress and anxiety, and empowered in who you are.

  • Certain in what your next steps to take in life are.

    This combination of reading and healing is for people who want to:

  • Get unstuck

  • Live a life they love

  • Deeply know who they are

  • “Carpe diem” their lives 

*Readings will be conducted on zoom and will be recorded for you to listen to  after your session.

 Booking Policy

Bookings close 1 day before the session starts.

Cancellation Policy: No refunds. Contact 24 hours in advance to reschedule.

Book a Clairvoyant Reading

 The Divine  Feminine  Intuition  Container 

 Become deeply connected to your intuitive abilities, and take your intuition from beginner to master level.  

      This container is for you if:

  • Are ready to feel more confident and connected to your intuition.

  • Want to take your intuition to master level!

  • Feel confused with all the amounts of intuitive information coming at you and want one easy way to connect with your intuition.

  • Are at any level of your spiritual journey and want to explore spirituality more deeply 

  • Ready to take on shadow work and experience your light.

  • Ready for deep healing.

  • Want complete and total transformation of your life! 

You will leave this container with:

 1. A feeling that you can take on challenges in life with ease 

2. Having more self love

3. Attracting higher vibrational experiences 

4. The ability to tap into your spiritual abilities easily and effortlessly 


Learn psychic tools to heal, change your life, and manifest with ease.

 6 months DFI $5555 Level I

What’s included? 

  • [12 1.5 hour modules, 

  • 6 months working together

  • weekly homework, prompts, and meditations

  • private voxer chat with Ishita

  • group voxer chat with other community members of DFI

  • past workshop access, 

  • certificate of completion

  • Reading practice sessions access during the course of the 6 months 

Practice sessions are once a month and the date and times vary to accommodate the most attendees. 

*Add the “Embody the Mystical Medium” Container for another 6 months  and connect with guides, loved ones on the otherside, and experience your power as a soul.*


12 months DFI $8888 Level II 

If you sign up for DFI & EMM at the same time you save $2,222! 

Become deeply connected to your intuitive abilities, and take your intuition from beginner to master level.   

This container is for you if:

Are ready to feel more confident and connected to your intuition.

Want to take your intuition to master level!

Feel confused with all the amounts of intuitive information coming at you and want one easy way to connect with your intuition.

Are at any level of your spiritual journey and want to explore spirituality more deeply 

Ready to take on shadow work and experience your light.

Ready for deep healing.

Want complete and total transformation of your life! 

You will leave this container with:

 1. A feeling that you can take on challenges in life with ease 

2. Having more self love 

3. Attracting higher vibrational experiences  

4. The ability to tap into your spiritual abilities easily and effortlessly  

Enrollment into this special program is based on availability and acceptance into the container after is only possible after a Discovery Call. SPACE IS LIMITED 

$940 monthly / 6 month 

Extra session added when paid in full  

Book your Discovery Call Below!

Book Your Discovery Call!

Embody the Mystical Mediumship Container 


This container takes your psychic abilities to the next level & focused on developing your mediumship abilities.

This container is for you if:

  • You would like to heal deep patterns of doubt, uncertainty or stuckness 

  • Are ready to connect as a medium to the other side and communicate with your loved ones who have passed, Angels, Spirit Guides, and Ascended Masters

  • Ready to take the peace you have in your life to another level of ultimate freedom and ease 

  • Become the master of your own reality 

  • Learn how to master being out of the body as a soul while healing yourself and others 

  • Become a master at working with your astral body 

  • Develop your own language with the other side with absolute certainty 

Enrollment into this special program is based on availability and acceptance into the container after is only possible after a Discovery Call. SPACE IS LIMITED

Price: $8888 (includes DFI) 

$1500 monthly / 12 months 

Extra session if paid in full 

If interested, send an inquiry email at: 

[email protected]

Private Coaching Sessions

Choose 6 or 12 Sessions

Each session is 1.5 hours

Meet biweekly or monthly based on what we decided when we work together

This would not include Voxer support or the modules or the group chat messages, but you could add Voxer chat for an additional $200.00 I will be giving you homework at the end of the sessions and be checking how it went during our following session.

6 Month Package - Six, 1.5 hour sessions for a total of 9 hours of coaching: $3450

12 Month Package - 12, 1.5 sessions for a total of 18 hours of coaching: $6550

House Hauntings/ House Healings    

Are you experiencing frequent disturbances in your home or feel like something like something just might be "off" in your home environment? Are you feeling negative or attracting negative energies in your home through people, your own thoughts, or energies? 

Click below for a free 15 minute house healing consultation to see what your options are for a house healing.  

House healing is for anyone who is: 

1. Feeling in negative energy (depressed, angry, isolated, sick) due to energy in their home 

2. Feels scared, disturbed, uncomfortable in their home 

3. Feels like there may be entities in their home that they are struggling with 

4. Attracting negativity in their home environment 

After a house healing you will feel: 

1. Lighter and released from pain and negativity you may be feeling 

2. More comfortable and safe in your home 

3. Like you are attracting more positivity into your life 

4. Like you have your home back

Email: [email protected]